V Kranju na odlični lokaciji pred samim mestnim jedrom prodamo poslovni prostor v velikosti 142,4 m2 .
Poslovni prostor ima veliko steklenih površin katere nudijo veliko dnevne svetlobe. Nepremičnina se nahaja v pritličju poslovno-stanovanjskega objekta in ima lastni wc.
Prostor je namenjen za različne dejavnosti kot so npr. trgovska, storitvena, upravna, zdravstvena dejavnost, ipd.
Prednost predstavljajo parkirna mesta pred objektom.
Urejeno je ogrevanje s klimatskimi napravami.
Prostor je na voljo po dogovoru.
Prodajalec kot pogoj za sklenitev kupoprodajne pogodbe izpostavlja, da mora kupec prodajalcu povrniti del stroškov prodaje nepremičnine v višini 2,5 % pogodbene cene.
In Kranj, in an excellent location in front of the city center, we are selling a commercial space of 142.4 m 2 .
The space currently houses a shop, otherwise the space is intended for various activities such as commercial, service, administrative, medical activities, etc.
The office space has many glass surfaces that provide a lot of daylight. The property is located on the ground floor of a commercial-residential building and has its own toilet.
Preference is given to parking spaces in front of the building.
Heating with air conditioning is provided.
The space is available by appointment.
As a condition for concluding the sales contract, the seller points out that the buyer must reimburse the seller part of the costs of selling the property in the amount of 2.5% of the contract price.