Bled, oddamo v najem dvostanovanjsko hišo ob Blejskem jezeru.
Lega stavbe je nekaj posebnega, redke so lokacije stanovanjskih hiš na Bledu, ki bi se lahko primerjale z lokacijo te hiše. Hiša stoji le 200 m od jezera, v samem centru Bleda, v neposredni bližini Diagnostičnega centra Bled ter hotela Rose.
Kljub takšni centralni lokaciji pa stavba ohranja popolno privatnost bivanja v ograjenem in lepo urejenem vrtu.
Pred stavbo v smeri proti jezeru ni drugih stavb, tako je iz balkonov zelo lep pogled na urejen park, ki se razprostira do jezera, na blejsko cerkev ter na skupino dreves, ki pa v letnem času omejujejo pogled na jezero, v zimskem času, ko odpade listje pa se iz balkona v mansardi odpre tudi pogled na jezero.
Stavba obsega kletno etažo z tehničnimi prostori, samostojno dvosobno stanovanje v visokem pritličju ter samostojno trisobno stanovanje v mansardi:
a) v kletni etaži: garaža, pralnica, kotlovnica, soba za druženje z kuhinjo, shramba, drvarnica, skupaj 112 m2,
b) v visokem pritličju: predsoba, dnevna soba, spalnica, kuhinja z jedilnico in izhodom na balkon, kopalnica in wc, skupaj 89 m2
c) v mansardi: predsoba, kuhinja in jedilnica ( dnevni prostor), tri sobe, dve kopalnici, dva balkona, skupaj 92,5 m2.
Etaže so med seboj povezane s stopniščem, ki poteka izven stanovanjskih prostorov ter tako omogoča popolnoma zasebno rabo vsake stanovanjske enote.
Skupna izmera površin v hiši znaša 294 m2. Zemljišče meri 736 m2 in je urejeno delno kot dvorišče s parkirišči, v ostalem delu pa kot zelenica z številnimi okrasnimi grmovji in drevesi.
Stavba je bila zgrajena leta 1980, ter leta 2000 delno obnovljena, od takrat pa je izredno skrbno vzdrževana.
Najemodajalec za sklenitev posla pogojuje da najemnik prevzame v plačilo del stroška posredovanja nepremičninske družbe, ki zajema; pripravo najemne pogodbe, izvedbo primopredaje nepremičnine, sestavo primopredajnega zapisnika, prepis naročnin, pripravo in hrambo slikovnega gradiva - skladno s cenikom, navedenim v splošnih pogojih poslovanja nepremičninske družbe. Najemnik pri oglaševani najemnini plača 2.400,00 EUR + DDV.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Bled, house for rent next to Lake Bled.
The location of the building is something special, there are few residential houses in Bled that can compare with the location of this house. The house is located only 200 m from the lake, in the very centre of Bled, in the immediate vicinity of the Bled Diagnostic Centre and the Rose Hotel.
Despite such a central location, the building maintains complete privacy in a fenced and beautifully landscaped garden.
There are no other buildings in front of the building facing the lake, so from the balconies there is a very nice view of the landscaped park that stretches to the lake, the Bled church and a group of trees, which in the summer time limit the view of the lake, but in the winter time, when the leaves fall, the balcony in the attic also opens up a view of the lake.
The building comprises a basement with technical rooms, a self-contained two-bedroom apartment on the high ground floor and a self-contained three-bedroom apartment in the attic:
a) basement: garage, laundry room, boiler room, lounge with kitchen, storage room, woodshed, total 112 m2,
b) on the high ground floor: entrance hall, living room, bedroom, kitchen with dining area and access to the balcony, bathroom and toilet, total 89 m2
c) attic: entrance hall, kitchen and dining room (living room), three bedrooms, two bathrooms, two balconies, total 92,5 m2.
The floors are interconnected by a staircase that runs outside the living areas, allowing for a completely private use of each residential unit.
The total surface area of the house is 294 m2. The land measures 736 m2 and is arranged partly as a courtyard with parking spaces and the rest as a lawn with numerous ornamental shrubs and trees.
The building was built in 1980 and partially renovated in 2000, since when it has been very carefully maintained.
In order to conclude the transaction, the landlord requires the tenant to pay a part of the costs of the real estate company's intermediation, which include; preparation of the lease agreement, execution of the handover of the property, preparation of the handover report, transcription of the subscription fees, preparation and storage of the pictures - in accordance with the price list set out in the general terms and conditions of business of the real estate company. The Tenant shall pay EUR 2 400,00 + VAT at the advertised rent.
We kindly ask our clients who are interested in the property to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for all information, and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property at the same time. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Oprema nepremičnine
- Topný systém
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- Kabelová televize
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- Balkon
- Suterén
- Garáž
- Více než dvě parkovací místa
- Katastr nemovitostí
- Skladovací prostor