Kropa, Radovljica, v najem oddamo stilno urejeno in kvalitetno obnovljeno nekdanja fužinarska hiša.
Kropa je zanimivo staro fužinarsko naselje iz 14. stoletja, ki se nahaja na dnu veličastnega naravnega amfiteatra, ki ga ustvarjajo strma pobočja Jelovice. Stari del Krope je zaščiten kot kulturnozgodovinski spomenik, v osrednjem delu Krope se nahajajo dobro ohranjeni spomeniki fužinarske arhitekture iz obdobja med 17. in 19. stoletjem. Kropa je do danes obdržala videz gorenjskih železarskih krajev: strnjeni naselji mogočnih fužinarskih hiš, zadaj v bregovih strnjene bajte oglarjev, rudarjev in žebljarjev.
V Kropi so na voljo vse storitve in javne ustanove: trgovina, pošta, krajevni urad, avtobusna postaja, ambulanta, osnovna šola, vrtec, bazen, športna igrišča, gostilne…
Hiša stoji prav v središču starega mestnega jedra Krope, tik ob glavnem trgu, zgrajena je bila davnega leta 1712, leta 2016 pa je bila popolnoma obnovljena.
Hiša obsega:
a) v pritlični etaži se nahaja večja garaža (18 m2), kjer je poleg prostora za parkiranje osebnega vozila prostor za kolesa in hrambo ostalih stvari.
b). v prvem nadstropju se nahaja dvosobno stanovanje, ki obsega - vežo, dnevno sobo, kuhinjo z jedilnico, spalnico, kopalnico z wc-jem - skupaj približno 70,00 m2, stanovanje ima svoj lasten vhod,
c) stanovanje v drugem nadstropju obsega: predsobo, večji bivalni prostor (dnevna soba + kuhinja + jedilnica) z izhodom na balkon, spalnico, otroško sobo, kopalnico z wc-jem - skupaj okrog 75 m2,
d) mansardni del ni izdelan, zaradi stojne višine pa je tudi v tej etaži možno izdelati dvo ali trosobno stanovanje, z izhodom na balkon, z okrog 70 m2 površine.
Hiša je bila ob upoštevanju zahtev ZVKD v letu 2016 popolnoma obnovljena in kot taka ohranja videz stare fužinarske hiše, značilne za staro jedro naselja – izdelani so novi tlaki, talne obloge, novi ometi, popolnoma nove električne in vodovodne inštalacije, izdelan je bil nov sistem centralnega ogrevanja ( kurilno olje), vgrajena nova okna, nova notranja in vhodna vrata, izdelani sta novi kopalnici in novi odtoki, izdelana nova fasada, izvedena hidroizolacija.
V stavbi sta sedaj popolnoma ločeni dve stanovanjski enoti, možno pa je izdelati tudi tretjo.
Parkiranje je možno na trgu, od hiše oddaljenem 50 metrov in seveda v hišni garaži.
Oddaljenost od Kranja - 15 minut vožnje, oddaljenost od Radovljice - 15 minut vožnje.
Najemodajalec za sklenitev posla pogojuje da najemnik prevzame v plačilo del stroška posredovanja nepremičninske družbe, ki zajema; pripravo najemne pogodbe, izvedbo primopredaje nepremičnine, sestavo primopredajnega zapisnika, prepis naročnin, pripravo in hrambo slikovnega gradiva - skladno s cenikom, navedenim v splošnih pogojih poslovanja nepremičninske družbe. Najemnik pri oglaševani najemnini plača 980,00 EUR + DDV.
Prosimo stranke, ki jih nepremičnina zanima, da za vse informacije pokličejo našo družbo Makler Bled d.o.o., obenem pa se bomo lahko dogovorili za ogled nepremičnine. Prosimo stranke, naj ne ogledujejo nepremičnine sami, ter brez predhodne najave.
Kropa, Radovljica, stylishly decorated and qualitatively restored former ironworks house, For rent.
Kropa is an interesting old slaughterhouse village dating back to the 14th century, located at the bottom of a magnificent natural amphitheatre created by the steep slopes of Jelovice. The old part of Kropa is protected as a cultural and historical monument, while in the central part of Kropa there are well-preserved monuments of ironworks architecture dating from the 17th to the 19th century. Kropa has retained the appearance of the ironworks towns of the Gorenjska region: the clustered settlements of stately ironworks houses, the clustered charcoal, mining and nailmakers' dwellings in the banks behind.
Kropa has all the services and public facilities: a shop, post office, local office, bus station, clinic, primary school, kindergarten, swimming pool, sports fields, taverns, etc.
The house is located right in the centre of the old town of Kropa, next to the main square, built in 1712 and completely renovated in 2016.
The house comprises:
a) on the ground floor there is a large garage (18 m2), where, in addition to space for parking a car, there is space for bicycles and storage of other belongings.
b). on the first floor there is a two-bedroom apartment, comprising - entrance hall, living room, kitchen with dining room, bedroom, bathroom with toilet - total approx. 70.00 m2, the apartment has its own entrance,
c) apartment on the second floor consists of: entrance hall, large living room (living room + kitchen + dining room) with exit to the balcony, bedroom, children's room, bathroom with toilet - total approx. 75 m2,
d) the attic part is not constructed, but due to the standing height it is also possible to build a two or three-bedroom apartment on this floor, with access to the balcony, with an area of about 70 m2.
The house was completely renovated in 2016, taking into account the requirements of the ZVKD, and as such it retains the appearance of an old fužinar house, typical of the old core of the settlement - new flooring, floor coverings, new plaster, completely new electrical and plumbing installations, a new central heating system (fuel oil), new windows, new interior and entrance doors, new bathrooms and new drains, a new façade, waterproofing.
The building now has two completely separate residential units, and it is possible to build a third.
Parking is possible on the square, 50 metres from the house and of course in the house garage.
Distance from Kranj - 15 minutes drive, distance from Radovljica - 15 minutes drive.
The landlord conditions the conclusion of the transaction on the tenant's acceptance of a part of the real estate company's brokerage costs, which include; preparation of the lease agreement, execution of the handover of the property, preparation of the handover report, transcription of the subscription fees, preparation and storage of the pictorial material - in accordance with the price list set out in the general terms and conditions of the real estate company's business. The Tenant shall pay EUR 980,00 + VAT at the advertised rent.
We kindly ask our clients who are interested in the property to call our company Makler Bled d.o.o. for all the information, and we will be able to arrange a viewing of the property at the same time. We kindly ask our clients not to view the property on their own and without prior appointment.
Oprema nepremičnine
- Topný systém
- Topný olej
- Kabelová televize
- Kabelový internet
- Balkon
- Garáž
- Skladovací prostor
In the vicinity
- Kovaški Muzej 104 m
- Gorenjske lekarne, Lekarniška podružnica Kropa 716 m