Objekt MAISTROVA bo nov, sodoben objekt, ki bo prijazen do družin in do posameznikov različnih generacij. Objekt bo sestavljalo 49 stanovanjskih enot in trije poslovni prostori. V objektu bodo zgrajena stanovanja različnih velikosti, z bogatim izborom notranjih razporeditev - od enosobnih do moderno načrtovanih penthouse stanovanj s prostornimi terasami. V radiju le nekaj metrov od objekta se nahaja vsa potrebna infrastruktura, kot je vrtec, šola, več trgovin z živili, tehnična trgovina, občinski in državni uradi, banka, pošta, avtobusna postaja in zdravstveni dom.
Stanovanja so zasnovana preprosto in sledijo logični razporeditvi prostorov glede na pričakovane potrebe sodobne družine, para ali posameznika. Dnevni del bivalnih prostorov bo velik in odprt, neposredno povezan s kuhinjo in zunanjim prostorom. Večina stanovanj ima zagotovljene zunanje lože z dodatnim shrambnim prostorom. Shrambe so zagotovljene v sklopu stanovanj.
Zaradi različnih življenjskih potreb je investitor predvidel tudi možnost prilagoditve določenih stanovanj za gibalno ovirane osebe.
Stavba bo v celoti podkletena, kar pomeni, da bo imelo vsako izmed 49 stanovanj možnost nakupa pokritega parkirnega mesta. V pritličju bo zagotovljena nadstandardno velika kolesarnica, namenjena za shrambo koles in otroških vozičkov.
Zaradi vse dražjih energentov, še zlasti stroškov ogrevanja, se je investitor odločil, da bo v vsako posamezno stanovanje, vgradil kakovostno toplotno črpalko (zrak-voda), kar pomeni občutno nižje stroške za bodoče stanovalce.
Osnovna dokumentacija o projektu: (klikni na spodnjo povezavo za pridobitev dokumentov)
Izjava o nameri izdaje izbrisnega dovoljenja
Vabimo Vas, da nas pokličete na telefonsko številko 051 222 807 ali nam pišite na email naslov: info@rcn.si, da se skupaj dogovorimo za termin sestanka in predstavitev projekta.
Za vašo lažjo predstavo smo izdelali tudi 3D maketo objekta s prikazom posameznih stanovanj. Lepo vabljeni na ogled!
V pričakovanju Vašega klica Vas lepo pozdravljamo, Ekipa RCN nepremičnine d.o.o.
The MAISTROVA building will be a new, modern facility that will be friendly to families and individuals of different generations. The building will consist of 49 residential units and three commercial spaces. The building will house apartments of various sizes, with a wide range of interior layouts - from one-bedroom apartments to modern penthouses with spacious terraces. Within a radius of only a few metres from the building there are all the necessary infrastructure such as a kindergarten, a school, several grocery stores, a technical shop, municipal and state offices, a bank, a post office, a bus station and a health centre.
The apartments are designed in a simple way and follow a logical layout of rooms according to the expected needs of a modern family, couple or individual. The living area will be large and open, directly connected to the kitchen and outdoor space. Most of the dwellings have outdoor loggias with additional storage space. Storage rooms are provided within the apartments.
Due to the different living needs, the investor has also foreseen the possibility of adapting certain apartments for people with reduced mobility.
The building will be fully underground, which means that each of the 49 apartments will have the option of purchasing a covered parking space. On the ground floor, an extra-large bicycle storage room will be provided for the storage of bicycles and pushchairs.
Due to the increasing cost of energy, especially heating costs, the investor has decided to install a high quality heat pump (air-to-water) in every single apartment, which means significantly lower costs for the future occupants.
Basic project documentation: (click on the link below to get the documents)
We invite you to call us on 051 222 807 or email us at info@rcn.si to arrange a meeting and a presentation of the project.
For your convenience, we have also created a 3D model of the building showing the individual apartments. You are cordially invited to take a look!
In anticipation of your call, we would like to welcome you, RCN nepremičnine d.o.o. team.